The CSS :is selector is a handy pseudo-selector that simplifies complex selector queries. It allows you to group multiple selectors into a single, more readable form, which can help reduce redundancy and make your CSS more maintainable. Before the :is selector, you’d need to repeat the same styles for multiple selectors, leading to long and…
Read more10 Alternative Frameworks to Laravel
While Laravel is popular for its rich features and ease of use, there are many other PHP frameworks that might better suit your needs. In this article, we will explore 10 great alternatives to Laravel, each with its own unique strengths and features. Whether you’re looking for something lightweight, highly customizable, or built for high…
Read moreIntroduction to FrameworkX
PHP has come a long way and continues to improve with new features, syntax, and speed. The ecosystem is also expanding, with many developers creating frameworks to simplify the lives of other developers. Popular, full-featured frameworks like Laravel and Symfony exist, as do lightweight microframeworks like FrameworkX. It is a lightweight microframework for PHP that…
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